Holistic doctors in Virginia

The Wide Aspects of Holistic Care and Treatment Provided by Holistic Doctors


You wish to live an active and healthy life, but there are some days when you catch a cold, get a mild fever, twist your ankle, or contract a chronic disease. Many people wish not to get affected by any illness or injury because they want to avoid taking medications and antibiotics, which slows down their internal system and makes them lazy. There are many people who avoid taking chemically produced medicines altogether and instead rely on alternative or complementary modes of treatment.

The common illnesses and acute ailments such as fever, cough, cold, indigestion, and respiratory disease are easily treated and cured by certain medications, but people with chronic diseases experience the most stress and pain. Chronic illnesses usually last much longer as compared to acute disease and quite complexed and the chronic ailment slowly develops, and a patient has to go through a surgical operation and then participate in post-operation therapy sessions. People suffering from cancer and other chronic illness and not finding a proper cure even after surgeries, medicines, drugs, and therapies usually turn towards alternative medicine.

There is a growing trend of alternative medicine which is of different types such as Herbal treatment, Homeopathy, Aromatherapy, Acupuncture, Massage therapy, Holistic medicine, Naturopathicmedicine, and Crystal healing, The main goal of alternative treatments and therapies is to reduce stress, help a patient relax, relieve anxiety, improve the well-being of the person and help him cope up with the ongoing treatment and therapy.

Holistic medicine is one of the most popular forms of alternative medicine, which is a healing process that works on the body, mind, soul, and emotions of a person to ensure optimal health and wellness. The holistic philosophy states that the goal of holistic medicine is to attain proper balance in life. The holistic medicine practitioners say that a human body is made up of many interconnecting and interdependent parts, and if one part is not working then it will affect functioning for rest of the body parts if a person is suffering from emotional, physical, and spiritual imbalances than it will have a negative effect on the overall health of the person.

The holistic doctors in Virginia know and perform nearly all types of medical treatments, from conventional medication to alternative therapies. The main task of a holistic doctor is not only treating the symptoms but also identifying the root cause or other factors that may have caused an ailment and then curing it. For example, if you are suffering from a headache, then the holistic doctor will not only give you pain medication but also know about your lifestyle, medical history, stress levels, sleeping pattern, and diet, which may be causing the headache. The treatment plan for headaches from a holistic approach involves medicines, drugs, and some lifestyle modifications to prevent a headache from occurring again.

There are principles of nearly every medical field, and treatment and the basic principle of holistic medicine is that unconditional love and constant support are two things that allow the person’s body to heal on its own. Some other principles include

  • Every person’s body has a healing mechanism
  • A person is a patient and not a disease himself and can easily get cured
  • The healing process involves both the patient and the doctor, and the doctor covers all aspects ofhealth treatment and practices
  • The treatment involves not only curing the symptoms but fixing the root cause

The holistic doctors and practitioners use not one but a variety of different treatment techniques to help person take control of their diet and lifestyle habits, which can lead to optimal health. The holistic doctors are qualified and have a certified medical degree and trained in both conventional and alternative methods of medical treatments. The holistic doctors study different ancient cultures such as herbal treatment, homeopathy, and aromatherapy and merge it with a modern form of treatment and therapies. Holistic care is best for people suffering from a particular chronic illness. The people suffering from chronic ailment like to choose holistic care due to its varied treatment options as compared to traditional methods of cure, which includes medications and surgical procedures. The holistic doctors also provide certain prescriptions so that a person may find proper relief.

A holistic doctor can identify and diagnose biochemical disorders, metabolic conditions, allergies, deficiencies, and sensitivities. The holistic doctor may recommend herbal or homeopathic treatment, dietary supplements, spiritual treatments, diet programs, and lifestyle changes. The treatment of a medical or pain condition depends on the training of the holistic doctor and may include

  • Alternative and complementary treatment and therapies such asacupuncture, massage, chiropractic care, homeopathy, herbal medicine, and naturopathy.
  • It is educating the patient on self-care and lifestyle changes that can promote health and wellness. It may include exercising routine, balanced diet, nutritional counseling, psychotherapy, and relationship counseling.

Where to find holistic care?

The holistic care is provided by medical doctors, naturopathic doctors or naturopaths, homeopathic doctors, doctors of osteopathy, and chiropractors. But you should consider a few factors before choosing the holistic provider, some of the tips are

  • Do not just trust every other holistic provider as advertised. You must take help or recommendation from your family member or a friend or work colleague.
  • Find out as much information as you can about the particular holistic doctor. The details that you should know are the holistic doctor’s qualification, training, years of experience, and hospital or clinic affiliation. Is the doctor certified from a credible medical board or not and licensed to perform holistic care or not.
  • How does the holistic doctor make you feel, and are you comfortable in the treatment sessions? Does he schedule an appointment time that suits you or not
  • Does the holistic doctor ask the right questions and understand your current condition. Does he focus on your diet, exercise, and lifestyle habits?
  • Does the treatment option that the holistic doctor includes natural remedies or any medications.

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