Cure Your Oily Skin With Vitamin C

How to Cure Your Oily Skin With Vitamin C Serums?


If the skin is constantly shining, it means you have oily skin. The sebaceous glands in your skin are responsible for producing sebum to keep the skin hydrated. If the production of sebum is more, you will suffer from oily skin.

Causes of oily skin

You will experience greasy skin within a few hours of cleansing it. Some of the causes of oily skin are sedentary lifestyle, environmental, and genetic factors. You need to identify the underlying cause to treat your oily skin easily.

If your family members or parents have oily skin, you could also experience oily skin. It is because of overactive sebaceous glands. Dry skin is common for most aged people. It results in fine lines and wrinkles because of less sebum and collagen. Oily skin benefits to reduce your aging signs.

The best treatment for oily skin

Growing age and genetics play an essential role in forming oily skin. You need to adjust the daily routine to treat oily skin naturally. Oily skin is common in humid/ hot climates. You can make use of the best and proven PhytoC vitamin c serum for oily skin treatment.

The Bionic Serum is one of the best serums available in the market to treat oily skin. It maintains an even skin tone by enhancing the appearance of your skin’s blemishes. It also exfoliates oily residues on your skin using beta hydroxy acids and alpha hydroxy acids. Therefore, regular use of Bionic Serum is needed to treat sensitive and oily skin.

Bionic serum is developed using ingredients such as Glycolic Acid, B12, Lactic Acid, Kojic Acid, Arbutin, and Salicylic Acid.  It boosts your skin complexion. It also enhances the appearance of dull skin. It is available in 30 ml and 15 ml denominations.

B12 plays a vital role in lightening the dark spots on your skin. It improves the radiance of mature and dull skin. Apart from using Bionic Serum, you can also include foods such as milk, spinach, and eggs to enjoy its health benefits.

Alpha hydroxy acid – Glycolic Acid is used to treat acne, dryness, hyperpigmentation, and age-related issues in your skin. It exfoliates dead skin cells from the surface of your skin and reduces wrinkles and fine lines. It also cures acne and fades away hyperpigmentation. It also helps to hydrate your skin.

Lactic Acid is another important ingredient in Bionic Serum to exfoliate dead skin cells and improve cell turnover. Regular use of Bionic Serum helps you to get thicker and firmer skin. Therefore, you will enjoy smooth skin by eliminating deep wrinkles and fine lines. Lactic Acid also consists of antimicrobial properties. It helps to treat inflammatory reactions on your skin.

Salicylic Acid is the main ingredient in Bionic Serum to cleanse the excess oil from the pores and reduce the production of excessive oil. It unclogs and cleanses the pores. Therefore, you will not suffer from blackheads and whiteheads on your skin in the future. It has anti-inflammatory properties to treat psoriasis.

You can also use Superheal O-Live Serum, the best Vitamin C serum, in combination with Bionic Serum to maximize skin health benefits. Its key ingredients are Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Olive Leaf Extract.

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