How to Choose a Bedroom Accent Wall and Color

How to Choose a Bedroom Accent Wall and Color

Home Improvement

People often ignore the bedroom wall design while designing their bedroom. This can diminish the appeal of the space. Leaving the walls blank often makes a room boring and dull. Experts suggest opting for an accent wall to eliminate the blank look from the room. Besides enhancing the appeal of your bedroom, an accent wall can be used to make a room appear larger or smaller. Hence, choosing an accent wall can help you in numerous ways. However, it can be a little difficult to create an accent wall if you do not have any idea about accent walls. To help you understand how it is done, mentioned below are a few points:

How to choose a wall?

You must not choose a wall randomly for an accent wall. There are a few factors you have to keep in mind to choose the ideal accent wall in your bedroom interiors. In most cases, the most ideal wall for the accent wall is the one right behind your headboard. It is preferred because it forms the focal point in your bedroom. However, you can choose any other wall in your bedroom as the focal point. If you are not sure which wall to choose, here are a few tips:

Choose a wall that gets noticed more: Your accent wall should be the one that gets easily noticed. Hence, you should choose the wall to which your eyes get drawn naturally. If you are not sure which wall is standing out from the rest, choose the wall that you notice first when you get up in the morning.

Choose a wall that does not get blocked: The accent wall features beautiful colours and designs and hence, you should not put any large furniture piece in front of it. Large furniture pieces like a sofa or a wardrobe will obstruct the view and prevent the accent wall from adding more drama to the setup.

The wall should be balanced

Your accent wall should appear balanced in order to enhance the appeal of your bedroom interiors. If the wall appears too busy or too blank after adding colours, the design will appear unbalanced. Place a chair or any small furniture piece in front of an accent wall that appears too blank to make it appear balanced. However, it should not obstruct the view or cause visual clutter. On the other hand, if you add too many elements, the accent wall might appear busy or off-balance.

The fifth wall of your room

Finding the perfect wall for creating an accent wall can be difficult. If you are not being able to make the decision, consider turning the ceiling into your accent wall. Choose light colours if you want the room to appear larger. Dark colours are better for larger rooms to create a warm look.

Choosing the right colour

Once you have selected the wall that you want to turn into an accent wall, it is time to choose what colours you want. Choosing a colour for the accent wall can be a little difficult if you are not sure how the colours can impact your bedroom decor design. First, you have to understand what different colours can make you feel and then mix, match, or blend the right colours to create your accent wall for the bedroom.

Consider using warm colors: Red, orange, and yellow are a few common examples of warm colours. This bedroom wall design is suited for large bedrooms because it makes the space appear smaller than it is.

Consider using cool colors: Green, blue, and purple are a few common examples of cool colours. This bedroom wall design is used in small bedrooms because it makes the space appear larger than it is.

Monochromatic or bright colors: It is not always necessary to use vibrant colours for the accent wall. Depending on your preferences, you can either opt for bright colours or monochromatic colours. Even a monochromatic accent wall will have a huge impact on your bedroom design and enhance its appeal.

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