financial management

The scope of financial management you need to know


Saving and investing wisely is the key to creating wealth and achieving financial independence. By following a well-crafted financial plan, you can establish a clear purpose for your financial journey. The crucial element of a successful plan lies in aligning your goals with your investment strategies. 

When your goals, such as purchasing a home, funding your children’s education, or securing a legacy for your loved ones, are emotionally connected, your commitment to the plan strengthens. This underscores the significance of effective financial management in attaining your aspirations.

Different aspects to be considered in financial management

Debt management: 

Mortgages can contribute to building equity and improving credit scores. However, high-interest consumer debt, such as credit cards, can have a significant impact on credit scores and hinder financial progress. Interest payments limit funds available for other goals. To tackle high-interest debt effectively, develop a plan for prompt repayment. If unsure, seek guidance from a financial advisor like Joseph Stone Capital to prioritize debts and allocate a suitable portion of your budget toward repayment each month.

Retirement management-

The general guideline suggests aiming for about 80% of your current income in retirement. However, this estimate assumes that you won’t have work-related costs or taxes, that your mortgage will be paid off, and your children will be financially self-sufficient. Additionally, it’s crucial to remember that Medicare doesn’t cover all healthcare expenses, particularly those related to long-term care, which can accumulate rapidly. Moreover, your retirement expenses may include increased spending on activities like travel, dining out, gifts, or providing financial assistance to family members or friends.

Insurance management

Insurance is essential for safeguarding your financial security, but it’s important not to overpay for unnecessary coverage. Here are some key considerations:

  • Health insurance protects you from high medical costs, including routine care and potential hospital expenses. As you age, considering long-term care insurance becomes important.
  • Disability insurance: This coverage provides income protection if you cannot work. Employer-provided disability insurance typically covers around 60% of your salary.
  • Auto and homeowners insurance: If you own a car or home, or if you rent and need coverage for your possessions, ensure you have appropriate insurance.
  • Life insurance: Having dependents necessitates life insurance. Consult with an insurance agent to determine the type and amount of coverage that suit your needs.

How do I make a financial management plan?

  • Understand the client’s financial stage: Gain insights into the client’s current financial needs, goals, and priorities based on their life stage. It helps tailor appropriate financial advice, planning, and investment strategies.
  • Evaluate the client’s financial situation: Before developing a financial plan, assess the client’s financial standing. Identify areas of overspending and undersaving and establish a baseline for the plan.
  • Set financial goals. Collaborate with the client to define short-term goals (e.g., debt repayment) and long-term goals (e.g., retirement, homeownership) to guide the financial plan.
  • Regularly review and update the plan: Keep the financial plan flexible and responsive to changes in the client’s financial circumstances and the broader economic landscape. Periodic reviews ensure alignment with the client’s evolving goals and financial situation.


Despite increasing disposable incomes, the average household debt across the globe is on the rise. It indicates that individuals rely on credit cards, personal loans, and other forms of debt to fund their lifestyles. With the right financial management tips and guidance from Joseph Stone Capital team, you can sustainably enhance your lifestyle without debt or sacrificing other financial goals.

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