Production and Creativity- Two Sides of the Same Coin

Production and Creativity- Two Sides of the Same Coin


Films, theatres, Broadway shows, and many more such art pieces are loved all over the world. But what makes them so loveable? This is because films and theatres are a channel for entertainment, a way to feel relaxed after a day of a tiring day. But have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scene? Who are the people associated with the masterpieces that you watch on screen? Well, to mention first is the producer of the masterpiece. 

Producers act as the starting point for any film, theatre, and so on, along with ensuring proper funding. In addition to this, producers also become a moderator, and regulators, to manage the entire team properly and manage the proper usage of funds available. Therefore, a producer can be referred to as an efficient shadow in the backdrop of directors, without whose support the film or theatrical production becomes futile. Brantley Dunaway has an inspiring life story that helps young individuals to pursue dreams of becoming a producer. 

However, proper management of such a huge team by a single person seems to be impossible and tiring, right? Moreover, meeting with writers, actors, screenwriters, etc. in addition to meeting deadlines is a tough affair. But having a thorough knowledge of how to become a producer, can prove to be handy. Here, we have listed a few characteristics that will offer you your personality analysis test. 

  • Complete your education

Yeah, this might some absurd as many producers and filmmakers have not gone to schools. Yet, education plays an important role in determining the character and personality of producers. Minimum completion of a bachelor’s degree will prove feasible. Education is also linked with creativity, as education helps a person to broaden the mind, and hence pouring of new ideas. Herewith, education related to direction and producer can be taught from schools. Brantley Dunaway’s constant participation in school plays does act as an experience certificate and thus indicating the success of education. 

  • The story

What is the point of becoming a producer if you cannot differentiate between a good and bad script? No matter how much a producer spends on set, costumes, and set design, a lack of proper story leads to unsuccessful returns. Therefore, the prime objective of a producer is to search for good scripts. 

  • Sourcing of adequate funding

You have an idea, a jaw-dropping and hooking story, but no funds? Then you might just lose the chance of producing a killer masterpiece. Although it might just sound a little superficial, money is important. So, just like any sector of life, funding and that too being adequate is required by the producer. Sourcing funds from financiers is tricky and hence comes to the rescue of the storyline. Producers must portray the project as interesting and profitable to secure adequate funding for the movie or theatrical demonstration. 

  • Keeping up with the trend

It is bad to follow trends blindly, but it is even worse to have no idea about all the latest trends. Therefore, as a producer, one must always be equipped with all the major trends, such that the production piece is unique yet secures the expected results. 

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